Monday, November 18, 2024

Fight for the Future by Jeanette Greaves


upper secondary  Key Stage 4, ages 14 -17, Greaves Jeanette, werewolves

Twins Anthony and Tomas are on the run. The White Pack does not like their pack; they see them as mongrels.

Yes, they are werewolves and need to fit into a human way of life. They seek half-blood wives and find them. They both have sons but the danger from the White Pack grows so they have to leave.  Staying may put their families in danger.  Many from their own pack have already been killed.

There are a few nods toward the Master Race: members of the White Pack in human form have blond hair. They have a very controlled breeding programme, whereas Anthony and Tomas’ pack mate more through love matches.

Jeanette Greaves has quite a literary style here so may appeal more to the most able readers. In any case, this book is probably for the older reader in the YA group.

The paperback is 268 pages long.    

Find your copy here 

Note, this is an affiliate link and a small portion of what you pay, at no extra cost to you,  may go to Bridge House Publishing.   

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Dark Sky by Cyan Brodie


A girl is found dead.

She is Caddy, Matt’s brother. When the police car arrives at his home he thinks it is to do with some drugs he may have sold. A polish girl is taken to hospital after a bad reaction to the drugs.

Matt has other problems: his friends owe money to Slippy their supplier. He has to hide from him as well.

His relationship with his father and step-mother becomes even more strained than it was before. He is thrown out of university.

The police seem to solve the crime and close the case.

Matt now has a tentative relationship with Amy, Caddy’s best friend, and the person who discovered her body at the back of the school bus.

Between them they work out that the police have it wrong and in their attempt to uncover the real culprits, their lives are put in danger. Their rescue comes from an unlikely source: Jimmy, who lives a strange life and who is related to the real murderer.

Matt has to go to court because of drug offences. We leave the story in that open-ended state that thrives in YA: we’re not sure what his sentence will be, how his life will carry on or how his relationship with Amy will work out. We are left feeling optimistic, however.

The book in paperback is 322 pages. Pace is aided by very short chapters. We are mainly in Matt’s point of view but occasionally we slip into others’. Note, this text contains a lot of strong language. 


Find your copy here 

Note, this is an affiliate link and a small portion of what you pay, at no extra cost to you,  may go to Bridge House Publishing 

Embers: The Wings of War by Karen Ann Hopkins

  2014   Ember’s parents die in a tragic car accident. She lives with her aunt and her aunt’s partner, who starts to abuse her. Her brot...