Monday, October 31, 2022

My Furry Foster Family, Apple and Annie the Hamster Duo by Debbi Michiko Florence and Melanie Demmer


emergent reader, ages 7-9, upper primary, animals, Florence  Debbi Michiko, Demmer Melanie,                                                

Kaita Takano and her family foster animals that are waiting to find their forever family.  They have themselves adopted a small dog. In this story they take on two hamsters that are waiting for a family to adopt them. They keep them in the spare room so that they won’t be disturbed by the family’s pet dog. Kaita’s friend Hannah helps Kaita to make toys for the little animals. But the stage Kaita has made enables the hamsters to climb out of their box. Dad helps to find them and to make a lid to stop them escaping again. Kata and Hannah make posters to advertise the animals and a family turns up to adopt them.

We have an engaging story here and also some hints about caring for pets well.   

The story is 65 pages long but the book has eight pages of other text at the end.  There are just five short chapters. The text is formatted ragged right. The font is large but with a serif and difficult ‘a’s an ‘g’s.

The main story and some of the notes are illustrated though illustrations are kept to a minimum and reinforce meaning rather than adding to the story. At the front of the book are some sketches of Kaita and her friends and family. These look as if they are Kaita’s work.      

At the end of the book there are activities for the reader, a useful glossary, some notes about the real Kaita and her experience of fostering animals and notes about the author and illustrator, the latter perhaps being aimed more at adults.        

There are other books in the My Furry Foster Family series.        

Find your copy here  

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