Sunday, September 20, 2020

Wolves by Emily Gravett

2016, first published 2002  

Rabbit goes to the library to choose a book about wolves. With Rabbit we learn where wolves live, what they look like, which parasites they have to endure, all about their teeth and what they eat.  There is a story too.  Fortunately for rabbit, the wolf he actually encounters is a vegetarian.

The illustrations are amusing and add a little to the story.

There are some novelty interactive elements.  There is an old-fashioned library card at the beginning of the book. There is a letter that the child can take out of an envelope.  The double spread where this is situated is covered in realistic pictures of letters and a receipt from the Burrowed Wok that provides Carrotenese takeaways.

There is even another story at the end of the book.  The chid is invited to make a booklet that tells the story of the ten little rabbits.  This story is more suitable for the emergent reader.      

It has sixteen double spreads.  The paper in this edition is matt. The book is almost square and tending towards portrait suggesting that there may be an expectation that the child would read it alone.  


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