Friday, June 12, 2020

Malkin Child: a story of Pendle’s witches by Livi Michael

Malkin Child: a story of Pendle’s witches

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2012, fluent reader, Key Stage 2, upper primary, ages 9-11,
Jennet’s family believe they are witches. They have demons who help them and whom they can see.  Many other people also believe they are witches. 1612 is not a good time to be a witch. Jennet is different. She has none of the magical powers that other members of her family possess. Then she is tricked into giving evidence against her family when she thought what she said would help them.       
The story is told by Jennet in a first person narrative.  Jennet’s voice is convincing.
The book has a respectable spine though it is thinner than many for this reader. No concession has been made to the new reader in terms of language. The text is as dense as we would expect for a fluent reader.  The font has a serif and difficult ‘a’s and ‘g’s.  However, the text is double-spaced and not ragged right. It has just 111 pages.      

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