Friday, June 26, 2020

Each Peach Pear Plum by Janet and Allan Ahlberg

2008, first published 1978    

There is an “Each Peach Pear Plum” playground rhyme. Janet and Allan Ahlberg have combined this with details about characters from nursery rhymes and fairy tales to form a very rhythmical rhyming text.  It also an I-Spy book.  As the adult reads the child has to find the new character hidden in someone else’s story.      
As ever in picture books there is additional story in the pictures. Sometimes this is challenging: Cinderella as well as Goldilocks has broken into the home of the Three Bears, Baby Bear trips over his gun and Baby Bunting has been abandoned like Moses amongst the bulrushes.  However, all turns out well and everybody enjoys some plum pie.

The book comes in several formats including a small one that a young child could actually hold. There are fourteen double spreads. The text is in a simple and large font.      

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