Friday, January 3, 2020

Awaken by Meg Cabot

This is actually the third book in a trilogy. Protagonist Pierce Oliviera lives in the Underworld with boyfriend John who comes from a different era. As well as dealing with Fates and Furies, Pierce and John face many of the issues that 21st century young adults encounter. 

The pace is fast and the characters develop well.    

Each chapter is prefaced with a quote from Dante’s Inferno. By the end of the novel the young reader will have encountered some important parts of this classic. 

The reference to mythology should spark some curiosity in the reader though they can enjoy the novel without knowing the stories behind it. 

A useful list of characters and places is found at the end but I found I did not need to refer to it, even though I’d not read the first two books.

The book is 343 pages long with blocked text and printed in an adult font.      

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